Miss Marple's Tea Room is located at a small picturesque town of Sassafras in the heart of beautiful Dandenongs. I loo-vvee going to the Dandenongs and escape to the lush of giant fern forests and wine farms. Every now and then, along the the road of the Dandenongs, I will come across a U-Pick Farm where you could pick strawberries, cherries, blueberries... whatever that is in season, really! There are also a few trout farms nestled in the Dandenongs. I highly recommend this trout farm, J and I had a field day fishing for trouts and salmon that day! We wind up our fruitful day with a tasty trout BBQ and a salmon sashimi on the farm itself!
Allright, back to Miss Marple's, I come to know by the quaint little tearoom while watching Postcard TV, and I thought that I gotta go there!! And indeed there I was, at the very next weekend, on a glorious, sunny Sunday morning. It proved to be very, very popular among the tourists and locals. J and I were among the first to arrive at 10 am and as minutes passed by, tourists and locals alike came in by the hordes and filled up the tables. By 10:30 am, there was a waiting line for tables.
Picture this people, people waiting... in... line... for an English Tea/Scones on a Sunday morning!! To be honest, if I wasn't there enjoying my tea and scones, I would be in my bed, still sleeping, soundly, not somewhere in the forest queuing up for scones. No regrets, though, the scones were very, very good. It made up for my sleeping in time, big time.
We ordered a plain and fruit scone, with me having the former as I am not really fond of dried fruits. It came in a basket lined with pretty cloth along with 2 generous bowls of fresh lashings of whipped cream and home-made strawberry jam.
J ordered a hot chocolate while I had the Devonshire Tea $3.50 with its own teapot and a jug of milk. Aww, so thoughtful. J exclaimed that the hot chocolate was very good, he liked the dusting of cocoa powder on top very much. As for me, I enjoyed my tea. Watching the colour of tea changing as I poured in the milk was the highlight of the day for me. HAHA.
I need to add that the scones arrived very warm, which means they are as fresh as they can be. There were also a very generous topping of icing sugar on top of the scones, which multiplies the pretty factor by 20 times, which helps to whelp the appetite by about 30 times. J said his fruit scone had a strong resemblance to a banana cake, he liked it a lot.
We took our time to cut our scones into smaller squares with our butter knives and slow-ly lashing it up with cream and jams. And then, after looking at our piece of arts fondly, we eat them.
Oh my god, it is so good. No wonder there were people waiting out in the cold for these wicked scones!! The scones are very dense and warm to the touch, the cream is very fresh and light and not at all queasy, and the best parts? Those little seeds in the jam that go POP in your mouth as you slowly savour the sweetness of the scones.
And what we did was repeating the process all over again: cutting, smearing, admiring and eating.
I could wake up to this every morning. No alarm clocks needed.
As we come to the end of our meal, we headed to the counter near the entrance of the shop to pay our bill. Behind the counter were shelves of home-made jams, preserves and their house-tea, Devonshire Tea for sale. They don't take bookings so if you do plan to come here, do come early or you would have to wait for some time. You know, it is hard to get away from the firewood with your hot chocolate.
Ah, the Dandenongs, I love you.
382 Mt. Dandenong-Tourist Road
Victoria 3787
Ah, the Dandenongs, I love you.
382 Mt. Dandenong-Tourist Road
Victoria 3787
I've seen the queues! I've had to by pass it so many times because I just don't have the time nor patience to wait for it. Sigh..
I really should go huh? How early did you and J go?
Hi ilingc! You need to be there right when they start to open! We were there at 10 am, and there were plenty of empty tables. They got filled up very quickly though!
I love Miss Marple's!
Their scones are sooo good, and your pictures really make me crave for it!
Hi hungry hamster! They were indeed very good, heh heh.
Oh, that is one cute little house!
I don't know you but I totally understand the lure of Miss Marple's Tea Room. I was there a few times between 1999 and 2000 and simply loved it. Still remember everything and the setting is perfect. Thanks for posting... Shirin
i absolutely love your own writing choice, very helpful.
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