Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Red Silk, Bourke Street

Red Silk Restaurant and Bar is J's favourite spot during lunch simply because of its affordable price yet big servings of food.

The menu mainly consists of Chinese one-dish meals (ie stir-fry on rice, stir-fry with noodles, etc) for easy decision-making and quick no-fuss tummy-filling for Asian students who are the main patrons here.

One day, after my class in the city, I came here with my friends for lunch. I wanted something with seafood and so Combination Seafood Noodles is the one to go.

Combination Seafood Noodles $8.90

As you would have noticed in the pictures, the noodles are a bit burnt on the edges giving it a slight bitterish and dry texture. Sauce would have save the noodles but alas, there are none to be seen.

Big red prawn

However, the combination seafood stir-fry is delicious. There are soft, juicy chicken tenderloins, calamaris, fish cakes, fresh prawns and plenty of bok-choys. Yummy!

* Note to Malaysians* Not only the steaks here are humungous, the Asian food served here are massive too. If you are a small eater, this plate of noodles could be split among two people and would satiate them satisfactorily.

Red Silk Restaurant and Bar
101, 1st Fl 200 Bourke Street Melbourne 3000
03 9663 9922

1 comment:

viagra online said...

The meat on the photos looks so nice and the food is so cheap, I will go to the supermarker and buy some of the ingredients and tomorrow I will try to cook it.