Saturday, July 28, 2007

Sydney Trip - Part 3 (Seafood Galore)

Fisherman's Market is a must place to go in Sydney, whether for makan session purpose or sight-seeing (mostly for the former). It is crowded on most days, mostly with tourists but often locals would also go there to purchase fresh seafood. On weekends, you would need to wait at least 15 minutes to get a seat.

Fresh oysters still in their whole shells. Not for long though.

The main attractions are the oysters, I reckon. Dozens are snatched up by tourists and locals alike.

There's a man at a stall whose sole job is to pry open the fresh oysters shells. He did it very quickly and efficiently, just like when you watch those Aunties packing nasi lemak into little triangles in lighting speed. Only this time it does not involves santan rice and sambal but oysters.

Freshly Shucked Sydney Rock Oysters

Sydney is famous for its oysters, namely Sydney Rock Oysters. They are firm favourites among maaany Aussies because of its sweet flesh. My bf loooooves them.

One dozen of Sydney Rock Oysters
"Now you see them"

I don't really care for oysters, mostly because I'm not keen on eating raw food. On the other hand, with a squeeze of fresh lemon, J (bf) slurped them down in seconds. He claimed heartily that they were absolutely sweet and has a very definite taste of the sea.

"Now you don't"

An obviously skilled fishmonger filleting a massive tuna. For a fish that size, the fishmonger only took a few minutes to behead it, debone and separate it into fillets. It is amazing to watch him do it.

Artistically arranged lobsters

Ahh... if you think I've missed out on the oysters, I made it up for the lobsters. Heh. Pre-boiled lobsters are vivid orangey-red in colour casting hunger spells among many customers. The business owners were having a brisk sales. These lobsters are selling like hot cakes.

They are everywhere!!

Sweet and fleshy, these lobsters are reasonably priced - $19.80 for half/kg and 39.90 per kg. We had half each and had no problem finishing them, leaving only the vibrant shells behind.

Seafood set with half a lobster, prawns, mussels and salad.

Seafood set with half a lobster, half a dozen of oysters and salad for A$19.00. We got one of these. Very reasonably priced indeed.

Salmon caviar

Oh my, look at those roe. Look at the wonderful wonderful orangey colour it vibrates to the surrounding. The most vivid orange that you would ever see would be on these fresh caviar.

The day ended after tucking into lobsters, oysters, calamaris, prawns and scallops. It was a truly wonderful seafood-y day. If you ever happen to go to Sydney, do hop by Fisherman's Market and be prepared to have a great feast.

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